Übung Deutsch – A2 – weil…

I’m a teacher of German, this homework are made by me to help you learn the German language. If you need help with German please have a look to my German course in Munich. Niveau A2: Nebensätze mit “weil” Make a complete sentence using the given words. a.) Möchte — ins —...

Exercise level B2 – Konjunktionen

In the basic courses A1 and A2 you’ve learned how to build simple sentences in German. Sure if you want to be fluent in German, as well as in any other language, you need to be able to connect single sentences using conjunctions. This a subject that is developed through all B1 and B2...

German course – B2 – Trotzdem vs. obwohl

Write each of the sentences below using trotzdem and obwohl. Beispiel: Ich hatte heute einen sehr anstrengenden Arbeitstag, trotzdem habe ich noch Lust mich mit meinen Freunden zu treffen. vs. Obwohl ich heute einen sehr anstrengenden Arbeitstag hatte, habe ich noch Lust mich mit meinen...

Listening homework – German, A2 – Urlaubspläne

Complementary to my German courses, for my students and all the others keen to learn German, there are in these pages a choice of test for all levels. If you have any question or comment at the end of the test feel free to leave a comment. If you think you need a refresh of your German memory and...

Exercise level B2 – listening: Informationsgespräch

If you plan to take a German language test, listening comprehension is one of the test you have to pass. Maybe one of the most difficult test, because very often the talkers have some accent or pronunciation difficult to catch. Here is a simple dialog in German to test you level, interpreted by me...

Sprechstunde – German homework level C2

After successfully completing a German course level C2 the student: easily understand what he read and hear, including between the lines argumentation and ironic messages, is able to summarize the information he has gotten from verbal or written source in a coherent presentation of the...

Niveau B1. Genitiv vs. Dativ

One of the biggest pain for anyone learning German is the correct use of the dative and the accusative objects. The reason of this big confusion is that it’s not so easy to say when you have to use one or you have to use the other, there are some guidelines of course, but they don’t...

Übung Deutsch. B1. Präpositionen

Prepositions in German are quite different from English, that’s why very often it’s required a lot of patience before the student is able to master the topic. We use to build the topic throughout all the levels, let’s have a look how you progressed up to the B1 level. If you have...

Übung Deutsch – A2 – dass…

Niveau A2: Nebensätze mit dass Form subordinate sentences with dass using the elements in brackets. a.) Ich weiß, dass ______________ (morgen – es – wird – schneien). b.) Das Haus, dass ______________ (gekauft – meine Eltern – haben – blau – ist). c.) Du...

Übung Deutsch – A2 – als oder wie?

Niveau A2 (Komparation mit “als” oder “wie”) Beispiel: Mein Auto ist schöner als dein Auto. vs. Mein Auto ist genauso schön wie dein Auto.   a.) Das Kind von meiner Nachbarin ist kleiner ____ mein Sohn. b.) Heute ist das Wetter besser ____ gestern. c.) Ich spreche Spanisch genauso...

Übung Deutsch – A1- Akkusativ oder Dativ

One of the topic German learners have most difficult with: accusative and dative.
Check to see if you are one of those, in that case I suggest to have a look to my German class.

Verben + Akkusativ: Wen oder Was?
Verben + Dativ: Wem?

German dictation level B1

This exercise is a simple dictation of German level B1, remember when the teacher was reading a text from a book and were trying to catch up? the same. The dictation it’s read quite slow, I hope you don’t have problem with it. If it is too fast or too slow leave me a comment I’ll...

German dictation, level A1

In this audio you have a small dictation of German, it is an A1, it’s read quite slow, I hope you don’t have problem with it. If it is too fast or too slow leave me a comment I’ll try to improve for the next audio.
This is offered to you by Studio NaVivo Munich, if you like it share with your friends.

German exercise, C2 level

How broad is your German vocabulary? Test it with the exercise of Studio NaVivo.   Find the opposite of the following words.   a.) gerechtfertigt – _______________ b.) erfolglos – _______________ c.) objektiv – _______________ d.) außergewöhnlich –...

Exercise German, A2 level, vocabulary training

Niveau A2: Wortschatztraining Below you find on each row a substantive and a series of verbs, in German. Only one verb for each row describe something that doesn’t match with the given substantive. Find it. a.) einen Brief: tun / schreiben / lesen / schicken. b.) eine Frage: haben / sagen /...

Exercise German, C2 level, text comprehension

For this exercise of German level C2 I propose you an article from the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Please read the article, then answer the questions. The exercise is about text comprehension. As already mentioned, the article is from the Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of the most important newspapers in...

Listening German, level B1

This is a listening exercise for German learners at level B1. The exercise is provided by me, your favorite German teacher. If at the end of the exercise you’ve found you need some help to progress with your learning don’t hesitate to visit my page for private lesson or online...

German C1 level: the passive form

[su_note note_color=”#fffcdc”]If going over the following grammar subject you find to need some refresh of the German grammar and need help of a teacher please refer to my page German lessons in Munich or go directly my contact page. [/su_note] Insert the missing parts of the passive...

German, Exercise #6, B1 Verben mit Präpositionalergänzung

One of the most important points in German grammar is that many verbs require a certain preposition after it. There are three different categories of prepositions to distinguish: Prepositions that requires an accusative noun: for example: durch, bis, für, ohne, entlang, gegen,...